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ARCHNET is an energy data platform.

Global Energy created a cloud-based hub to capture, house, and centralize large amounts of energy data for complex commercial clients. 

The power of that energy data is harnessed by an easy-to-use interface which easily extracts the energy intelligence based on specific reporting criteria. 

ARCHNET supports data-driven energy decisions and planning. 

Archnet Church

ARCHNET is built on Global Energy’s 15 years of serving large portfolio, multi-unit commercial customers.

Organizing and extracting intelligence from huge amounts of energy data monthly for a large multi-unit customer is paramount to offering comprehensive stewardship over the account. 

Offering the ability to easily share that data between inter-departmental parties is key to keeping an energy strategy on track. Blending the operational needs of the client with the flow of their Energy Data allows reporting of customized business intelligence which can be easily shared with Real Estate, Assets, Facilities, Finance, Operations, Legal, Site Level Management and Senior Leadership.

Customized Data Capture & Reporting

Management of energy data for a large portfolio requires monthly capture from many vendor source reports for both gas and electricity. The fluid nature of energy data and multi-unit portfolios requires constant upkeep for accuracy. 

ARCHNET data is viewed in a ‘single record’ style, showing all account core data, with all sub-data accessible and inbound data feeds captured from all relevant sources. The customizable reporting is easy to use with intuitive organization.  
Easy onboard of data, customization of inbound data feeds, and flexible report design make ARCHNET the solution for the most complex of commercial energy management clients. 

Archnet Background

The ARCHNET platform is a user-based and cost-effective energy data repository. 

While other platforms focus on the payment of bills or come with Enterprise-level cost and training, Archnet is built to serve the basic energy related organizational needs of many multi-unit client structures. 

ARCHNET comes with the full support of Global Energy for daily management of the data feeds, reporting and the maintenance to the client’s data. Secure portal for use by client only, authorize any number of users. 

ARCHNET is the right-sized solution to handle the most complex commercial energy portfolios.